When you manually fold a lot of lines, one annoying thing you may have noticed is that these folds to not persist across sessions. However, we can save and load folding with vim's builtin :mkview and :loadview. Create autocommands for the two commands, and we are got folds persisting across sessions (or technically, leaving/entering a buffer).
1local function remember(mode)
2 -- avoid complications with some special filetypes
3 local ignoredFts = { "TelescopePrompt", "DressingSelect", "DressingInput", "toggleterm", "gitcommit", "replacer", "harpoon", "help", "qf" }
4 if vim.tbl_contains(ignoredFts, vim.bo.filetype) or vim.bo.buftype ~= "" or not vim.bo.modifiable then return end
6 if mode == "save" then
7 cmd.mkview(1)
8 else
9 pcall(function() cmd.loadview(1) end) -- pcall, since new files have no view yet
10 end
12vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWinLeave", {
13 pattern = "?*",
14 callback = function() remember("save") end,
16vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWinEnter", {
17 pattern = "?*",
18 callback = function() remember("load") end,
However, one thing you might have noticed is that folds are still lost when you search in a file. Luckily, that, too, can be fixed.