use cursorcolumn to help you learn gm

· Nano Tips for Vim

I recently stumbled upon gm, an apparently lesser known command for horizontal movement. gm positions your cursor in the middle of the window width. It's a bit of an odd motion, but the fact it's so different from other vim motions sparked my curiosity, so I wanted to give it a try.

My first stumbling block was that it's a bit hard to anticipate where exactly your cursor will land. So I thought, why not let vim help me in learning this new vim motion? Since gm is dependent on the width of you window, we can determine the column the cursor will land on by using winwidth and dividing it by two. That number we can then use as a colorcolumn. The result is a nice and very clear visual indicator where gm will move us to.

1local gmColumn = math.floor(fn.winwidth("%") / 2) 
2vim.opt.colorcolumn = gmColumn

If you already use colorcolumn to indicate your preferred line length (e.g. colorcolumn=80), you can still use this trick, since colorcolumn actually also accepts a list of columns, resulting in two colored columns:

1vim.opt.colorcolumn = {gmColumn, 80}

One caveat of this solution is that gmColumn is only calculated once at startup, so if you use vertical splits, your colorcolumn will be off. However, that can be fixed by changing the colorcolumn using an autocommand triggered on VimResized.